31 March, 2009

VACATION. That is all.

So this is my fourth day of vacation, and up til now, I've accomplished pretty much nothing of consequence-- I mean, unless you consider Twitter and listening to Depeche Mode leaks "consequential". (Yeah, by the way, if "Corrupt" is any indication, Sounds of the Universe is going to kiss some serious ass, so I will definitely be downloading that when it comes out. Also, I'm beginning to think I have a bit of an older-man complex, since I've been thinking dirty, dirty thoughts about Dave Gahan. Seriously, though, listen to this . . .

. . . and then tell me you're not having improper thoughts. That's what I thought.)

Wow, that's gotta be a new record for me: Longest Parenthetical Statement Ever. Plus there was a video embedded in the middle of all that!

In other news-- Kristin's car has broken down (AGAIN) so I am (ONCE MORE) serving as her primary transit system. Today, however, she at least found a friend to take her to and from band class, which is in Dowagiac (a 20-25 minute drive), and in all hopes, Dad will be over to take a look at Warchild sometime today. It certainly needs to be up and running by Thursday or Friday, or else that kills either my plans to go see Mom or Kristin's chances of getting to work all weekend.

Survey says that Kristin getting to work to collect a paycheck is more important than any trips to up see ma mere, though Mom would probably disagree about that at this point.

The good news is, I am still more relaxed than I ever thought possible, even considering an impending "dinner out with the ol' coworkers" tonight. I'm hoping for an early evening, in all truth-- and NO WORK CHATTER. (Like that's gonna happen.)

Well, that's all I have to report for now. Later!

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