26 March, 2009

The Home Stretch

It's been about a week since I last posted anything; this is mostly because I'm now in the home stretch of an 8-day-straight run at work. My vacation next week is going to be rad-- at least, it will be if getting there doesn't kill me. Grocery retail is a harsh mistress-- inevitably, any vacation is prefaced by being scheduled at least seven days in a row with no time off. Throw in my 2-10, 9-5, 5-1:30, 2-10, 9-5 schedule (those back-to-back close-open shifts are what we in the supermarket business like to call "the silent killer") and I guarantee, you'll be half-dead by the time you actually get your time off. I usually spend the first day in bed.

Speaking of work, I had my six-year anniversary last Friday. "Are you celebrating with champagne?" asked one of my coworkers, only half-joking-- this particular chain of grocery stores is know for, among other things, a measure of employee loyalty that borders on cultish behavior-- to which I snorted and replied, "I'm actually thinking about buying a fifth of cheap vodka and drinking myself into an early grave." Okay, my job isn't that bad, but looking around and realizing that you've spent the last six years of your life basically stuck in Nine Inch Nails' "Every Day Is Exactly The Same" is certainly a downer.

In other news, Twilight mania has hit again, this time due to the DVD release of the movie. One of my friends went to Walmart at midnight last Saturday when it came out, just for LOLs, and said she couldn't believe how many people were there. I've been playing around with the idea of writing my own vampire novel for a while, ever since I realized how much money $tephenie Meyer is making off her own "Ann Rice LITE" series, and now I've gone as far as actually starting my own. Granted, I'm still sort of just playing with ideas-- I've only got 5 pages so far-- but if it amounts to anything, I'm considering putting it up on the ol' blog in installations. Of course, I'm planning on having actual sex, violence, and gore in mine, and my vampires will not sparkle.

Oh, and there will not be any creepy half-human, half-vampire children running around. *Cough* I mean, not unless they are demonic and bent on total destruction.

All right, well, I've run out of shit to talk about, so I'd better tag this mofo and get on with my day. Big day 7 of 8 today-- I'm leaning heavily on Josh Freese's "I Don't Think That's OK" and Weep's cover of "Shut Up and Drive" in order to get through the day without murdering and pillaging.

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