09 April, 2009

I spend too much money on music. The end.

Seriously. I should be getting frequent flier miles or something from Amazon, given the amount of music I download. I've got about six and a half gigabytes on my hard drive currently, and that's not counting about half the CDs on my rack. Given, a lot of those are music that I don't really listen to anymore (Hey, by the way, if anyone out there's looking to purchase Matchbox 20's or the Red Hot Chili Peppers' discographies, let me know. Everything except By The Way is up for grabs, since Stadium Arcadium aka RHCP's Great Big Cash-In Pretentious Double Album pissed me off so badly.)

And, as I've already implied, the library is growing rapidly. In fact, as I am typing this, I am also downloading Spinnerette's newest single, "Sex Bomb". I have already downloaded all of Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago (depressing but excellent), and a song by Grizzly Bear, whom I had studiously avoided listening to until today (also excellent). Last Friday, I actually went out and bought Annie Lennox's new greatest hits comp, which is great, and in the past week, I've added Belong's October Language and Modest Mouse's The Lonesome Crowded West to my collection as well. And let's not forget about Depeche Mode's Playing the Angel.

It's seriously not my fault this time, though. Damn blip.fm and me for getting a blip.fm account, and damn everybody on that site for putting up interesting music. Also, damn Treznor for getting a blip.fm account and putting up a bunch of neat music.

Also, for those of you who might be interested, I've added a last.fm widget to my blog that shows my most recent listens. It's a bit Big Brother-y, but interesting technology nonetheless.

Anyway, that's about all for right now. My poor neglected blog-baby.

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