27 February, 2009

"Why the hell are you listening to John Mayer?"

My sister actually asked me this question soon after I woke her up this morning; my response was something along the lines of "I realize I woke you up at the ungodly hour of ten a.m., but that doesn't give you the right to invoke that name in my house!"

I should mention that there are a few music artists whose names you don't mention unless you want to see me go from Normal Bitch Mode to Super Hella Flaming Bitch in about .008 seconds: John Mayer is one; Bono is another. And actually, those two are pretty much it; pretty much anyone else is at least up for discussion

But I digress. The point is, I was not (nor would I ever be caught dead) listening to John Mayer. I was, in fact, listening to Yoav, an Israeli-South American musician who-- get this-- makes acoustic electronica. Seriously. Every sound in his songs is either vocals or produced by a guitar. It's very cool stuff . . . not to mention, the closest I will be venturing to pretentious hipster coffee-house music. Anyway, his album Charmed and Strange is available on both iTunes and Amazon, plus he does have a Myspace page, so you should check out his stuff (especially "Adore Adore" and "There Is No One") if you get the chance. He entered my radar after Modwheelmood remixed a couple of songs (though I still haven't managed to locater those tracks) and I finally decided to download him after somebody on Echoing The Sound linked to a video for "Club Thing".

Anyway, again, some cool music for you to check out. I probably won't put up anymore blogs this week, since I work all weekend and will be occupied with completing my sister's move into my place as well. So-- Have a good weekend, everybody!

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